wdt_ID Lab Name Description Location Contact Person Contact Details Specialized Equipment Services Reminders
1 CHE-IHNF Food Research Laboratory The Laboratory conducts on a regular basis cooking and eating quality test rice and other crops in relation to other quality parameters. The facility can evaluate satiety potentials of cereals and other foods on a case to case/ by request basis. Institute of Human Nutrition and Food
College of Human Ecology
UPLB, College, Laguna
Prof. Angelina DR. Felix
Position: In-Charge
Designation: Assistant Professor 2
Telefax No: (049) 536 - 2445
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
1. Toploading digital balance
2. Assorted rice cookers, 2 cups capacity

Eating quality test / sensory evaluation
(Minimum of 3 samples, completed within one week with result)
UP/ UPLB Rate ►Php2,000.00
Commercial Rate sample ►Php3,000.00
To be announced.
Lab Name Location