Educational Background

  • %education%

Areas of Research

Main Field

Engineering and Technology


  • Agrometeorology, Environmental Engineering, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering


  • Technical Assistance
  • Expert advice / Consultation
  • As a resource person to fora or seminars

Dr. Marion Lux Y. Castro is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, CEAT, UPLB. She holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from UP Diliman, MS Agrometeorology and BS Agricultural Engineering from UPLB.

Her prior works include biomass energy technology characterization and assessment including energy policy analysis and strategy formulation. She also worked on the validation of a maize crop model for yield simulation and prediction, and biomass recovery using a stable immobilizing matrix for microalgae in aquaculture wastewater. She is a study leader in the Project Deployment of SARAI Enhanced Agricultural Monitoring System using GIS and Satellite Remote Sensing.

She teaches a graduate course on tropical agrometeorology, and undergraduate courses in hydrometeorology and environmental control engineering.

She has served as CEAT College Secretary from 2009-2011, Chair of the Agrometeorology and Farm Structures Division from 2018-2021 and Associate Dean from 2021-2023. At present, she is the Quality Assurance Officer of CEAT-UPLB.