Educational Background

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Areas of Research

Main Field

Engineering and Technology


  • Digital Image Analysis
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Agent-based Modeling and Simulation
  • Machine Learning


  • Expert advice / Consultation
  • As a resource person to fora or seminars

Dr. Maria Art Antonette D. Clariño is an Associate Professor and currently serving as the Director of the Institute of Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences, UPLB. She has published in Scopus-indexed journals such as IEEE Xplore and in other peer-reviewed journals such as Philippine Computing Journal, and Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development to name a few.

She has presented in local and international conferences for papers in machine learning, natural language processing, modeling and simulation, digital image analysis, and computing education. She is a Regular Member of the National Research Council of the Philippines and is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Computing Society of the Philippines Special Interest Group for Women in Computing.

Dr. Clariño obtained her BS Computer Science (magna cum laude), MS Computer Science (DOST-PCASTRD scholar), and PhD Computer Science minor in Botany (DOST-ASTHRDP scholar) from UPLB.