Food Security and Sovereignty

Food Security and Sovereignty

Fruitect ®

Contact Details

Fruitect® is a green technology that delays the ripening of fruits, keeping them fresh for much longer. It is made from by-products, such as mango peels an pineapple leaves. It is proven safe both for humans and the environment. The coating is odorless, colorless but gives a shiny surface to fruits, biodegradable, and water-soluble.


  • Green technology
  • Ingredients are food grade and GRAS (generally regarded as safe) for humans and the environment
  • Odorless, colorless, and gives fruit surface a shiny sheen
  • Biodegradable and water soluble

Current Status

  • Upscaling and optimization of the production process of a Fruitect® coating in preparation for commercial scale production
  • Arrangements are being made for the setting up of a pilot plant
  • Research and development of other fruit coatings for fruits aside from mango

What We Need

  • Pilot plant

Target Market/Beneficiaries

  • Fruit farmers, processors, fruit packing plants, fruit exporters