Food Security and Sovereignty
Processing Line for Sandfish

Contact Details
- Dr. Kevin F. Yaptenco
- Institute of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, UPLB
- [email protected]
- Dr. Ronel S. Pangan
- Center for Agri-Fisheries and Biosystems Mechanization, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, UPLB
- [email protected]
The prototype processing line includes a multi-vat boiler, mechanical cleaner, and hybrid dryer. The multi-vat boiler is equipped with a firebox that can burn many types of dry forest or agricultural waste, and is designed to heat three 20-L vats simultaneously for boiling degutted sea cucumber. The mechanical cleaner removes the spicule layer in a rapid and thorough manner to produce a clean product. The hybrid dryer can be heated by a firebox or by solar radiation; a biomass stove is used to burn waste wood to heat the dryer.
- Simple to use
- Minimal power requirement
- Can be operated in isolated communities
- Dry biomass waste readily available in fishing communities can be used as fuel for drying
Current Status
- Pilot trials have been conducted in cooperation with fishers’ associations and sea ranch operators
- Technology Readiness Level: Technology Verified by Pilot Trial
What We Need
- Potential adopters (processors, sea ranchers) willing to conduct commercial trials
- Funding support for commercial trials, impact assessment, modifications to prototype processing line
Target Market/Beneficiaries
Fisher associations, small processors