Low-Hanging Fruits
Propagation of edible landscaping technology and vertical farming systems to urban, peri-urban, and rural communities
Organic Agriculture Research, Development, and Extension Center
National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory
Where We Can Collaborate
UPLB AGORA's other focus areas

Propagation of edible landscaping technology and vertical farming systems to urban, peri-urban, and rural communities

  • UPLB’s edible landscaping technology combines the practical benefits of growing food with the aesthetic qualities of landscaping.
  • It is an artistic food production technology that is gradually being introduced in Filipino communities.
  • The vertical farming system is another way to promote food production and teach people to grow their own food in limited spaces.
  • Both practices promote food security and nutrition among urban, peri-urban, and even rural communities.

Organic Agriculture Research, Development, and Extension Center

  • The Organic Agriculture Research, Development, and Extension Center (OARDEC) is a seven-hectare farm in UPLB that promotes the strength of organic agriculture as a sustainable food system.
  • It houses various indigenous plant species, crops, herbs, medicinal plants, and flowering plants, among others.
  • The center welcomes educational farm tours and serves as a learning site on organic agriculture.

National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory (NPGRL)

  • serves as the national repository of important and potentially useful agricultural crops in the Philippines, maintaining over 30,000 accessions of 300 species
  • The NPGRL, also known as Genebank, is in charge of acquisition, characterization, conservation and management, regeneration and documentation of plant genetic resources.
  • It is an important facility for national and international crop improvement programs.