Low-Hanging Fruits
UPLB Program for Zoonotic Diseases
UPLB Bee Program
UPLB Natural Products Development Program
Where We Can Collaborate
  • Research and Policy Support to the Philippines National Surveillance and Control Programs for African Swine Fever, Avian Influenza, and Antimicrobial Resistance: A One Health Systems Approach to Food and Animal Security, Public Health, Resiliency, and Environmental Sustainability
UPLB AGORA's other focus areas

UPLB Program for Zoonotic Diseases

  • The UPLB Program for Zoonotic Diseases aims to enhance the national response to emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases, particularly in detection, prevention, and providing emergency and quick response to outbreaks.
  • It shall provide innovative research techniques on identification and characterization of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic agents, arthropod biology and control, laboratory animal models, wildlife research, and zoonotic disease risk assessment and analysis.
  • It is a vital initiative that will help to protect the health of people and animals in the Philippines.

UPLB Bee Program

  • The UPLB Bee Program is an interdisciplinary research-based Extension Program that champions the use and propagation of stingless bees.
  • It has developed technologies for conservation and sustainable utilization of native bees, especially stingless bees, research for pollination and production of honey, pollen and propolis.
  • It also provides training on beekeeping and consultation services on bee colony health, management and bee pasture development to increase livelihood opportunities for beekeepers, farmers and disadvantaged communities.

UPLB Natural Products Development Program

  • The UPLB Natural Products Development Program is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the discovery and utilization of natural products for drug development, biomedical, nutraceutical, and functional food product development.
  • It explores the use of endemic and indigenous species with known medicinal applications or with biologically active compounds for diseases and to improve people’s health.