Resilience and Sustainability

Resilience and Sustainability

Participatory Planning for Agroforestry Development Using Agroforestry Land Capability Assessment and Mapping Schemes (ALCAMS)

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ALCAMS is a planning tool that determines the capability of land or farm for agroforestry development.   ALCAMS was developed which makes use of a set of determinants, namely: slope (as an indicator of erosion potential), existing vegetation or land use (as an indication of what trees, crops, or even animals are adaptable and their current level of production) and soil fertility (as an indicator of production potential and the sustainability of such production levels) as the basic considerations in determining the classification of an area for agroforestry.  Such factors were measured/characterized in the field, mapped individually using a common scale, and subsequently integrated into an Agroforestry Land Capability Map.  


  • The map becomes the subject of agroforestry system design facilitated by a pre-determined set of agroforestry systems and soil and water conservation measures which are specified for each land capability class resulting in as many designs as possible.
  • The final decision on the component species and technologies is within the farmer and/or with the assistance of the technician/FCO. 
  • The result is a farm plan including a sketch to visualize the possible structure of the system.

What We Need

There is a need to continuously promote and integrate the use of ALCAMS among the development planners at the LGU level, and at the forestry sector, in general.

Target Market/Beneficiaries

DENR (i.e., CBFM Sites); upland municipalities/LGUs; NGO/PO project sites; agroforestry practitioners; state colleges and universities engaged in agroforestry curricular offering.