Purple yam powder is made from tubers of Dioscorea alata L. It is locally known as “ubi”. The preparation process for purple yam powder includes a proper selection of deep purple color “ubi” tuber. The tuber is then washed, steamed, peeled, grated, dried, pulverized, and packaged.
The ubi tuber and its processed products contain a high level of starch, making it a rich source of calories in the diet. The product is highly regarded for its appealing color and antioxidant properties due to its anthocyanin content. It is a very popular food ingredient in bakery and confectionary products among others.
Market & Beneficiaries
- producers (of purple yam and ube halaya)
- processors (of bakery, confectionary, and dairy products that has purple yam flour as food ingredient)
- ready to be introduced to the market (or: ready for commercialization)
Potential Collaborative Areas
- improvement of label and packaging material
- commercialization and marketing strategies
- Dr. Leoncio C. Raymundo
- Ms. Teodora M. De Villa
- Ms. Marife T. Ombico
- Mr. Rommel M. Jaen
Contact Details
- Institute of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture and Food Science, UPLB
- [email protected]