Engage, Educate, Empower

UPLB's Extension and Public Service encompass various initiatives aimed at educating local and global stakeholders, empowering them to actively and meaningfully engage in endeavors towards achieving the sustainable development goals

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The UPLB Extension programs pursue any or a combination of the eight objectives that
range from strengthening individuals, groups, organizations and community capacities.

This thematic area focuses on promoting a culturally vibrant, safe, and economically thriving community. UPLB works to share its skills and technologies to ensure that peoples and communities can be prosperous.

Focusing on the prevention and mitigation of the spread of diseases, and improvement of the physical, emotional, social and mental wellness of the community, UPLB leads in the promotion of healthy communities through its research and programs.

UPLB leads in providing interventions and platforms that ensure people’s access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that is produced and traded through sustainable and just agricultural systems, enhancing the nation’s management over the food systems.

This thematic area focuses on the enhancement of stakeholder capacities and improvement of practices that aim for the efficient, productive and responsible use of environmental resources by creating innovative and sustainable technologies towards a future proof society.

Focusing on enhancing organizational capacities to foster and sustain innovation and positive change, UPLB raises the bar of various institutions by sharing good governance principles and practices to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, and creativity.

total extension projects to date
1 +
training programs
1 +
Philippine regions reached


The UPLB Extension programs pursue any or a combination of the eight objectives that

range from strengthening individuals, groups, organizations and community capacities.

Focuses on the enhancement of literacy, numeracy, digital literacy, cultural and civic competences, and professional skills.

Refers to the development of viable livelihood alternatives.

Focuses on providing support to ensure physical, emotional, social, and mental wellness.

Centers on achieving optimal health outcomes in recognition of the interconnection between people, animals, plants and their shared environment (CDC, 2018).

Originally rooted in food security, this objective seeks to widen the discourse and range of programs to ensure that the local producers and consumers are empowered such that they define the agricultural production and trading processes congruent with the principles of sustainable development.

Seeks to promote green technologies and conservation practices, disaster preparedness and response, disaster risk reduction and management.

Represents provision of support to enhance the governance of educational systems and the teaching – learning processes.

Refers to facilitating innovations in administrative functions and policy making.


UPLB seeks the active participation of all stakeholders and recognizes that all programs

can only be successful if implemented collaboratively by various institutions. UPLB

works with various stakeholders in defining the strategies, methods and techniques of

the interventions that may be implemented as an activity, or form part of an extension

program. UPLB’s interventions can be broadly classified as follows:

Non-formal education
includes but is not limited to the conduct of training programs, workshops, webinars, techno-demos, harvest festivals, airing of educational radio programs, making available blogs, podcasts, videos, and sharing database of relevant educational materials.
Patents and Utility Models for optimized and sustainable technologies for crops
UPLB Technology Hub and One-Stop Shop
Continuing Professional Development Courses for Veterinarians
Non-formal education

includes but is not limited to the conduct of training programs, workshops, webinars, techno-demos, harvest festivals, airing of educational radio programs, making available blogs, podcasts, videos, and sharing database of relevant educational materials.

Animal and Dairy Products Processing

Patents and Utility Models for optimized and sustainable technologies for crops

UPLB Technology Hub and One-Stop Shop

The UPLB Technology Hub and One-Stop Shop is located beside the Charles Fuller Baker Memorial Hall. It serves as a one-stop shop to showcase UPLB technologies, products, and services and as a venue for “meetings and exchange of ideas”. It houses the following:

  • AGORA Futures Innovations Exhibit
  • UPLB products and UPLB-DTI One Town, One Product
  • Fab Lab Xchange
  • Nutrition and Wellness Clinic
  • Venue for meetings and collaborations
  • Mentor Hive
  • Social Enterprise Café