Calamansi Juice

Ready to drink Calamansi juice is an all-natural juice drink made from the fruit of Citrus microcarpa Bunge, a fruit indigenous to the Philippines and South East Asia. The fruits are available throughout the year and the peak season of harvest is in mid-August through October.

The fruit is a good source of Vitamin C and a fair source of provitamin A. It is commonly used as an ingredient as an acidulant in various food products such as condiments, jams, and jellies. The process of making ready-to-drink calamansi juice includes the following steps: 1) selection and washing of fruits; 2) cutting of fruits and juice extraction; 3) preparation or mixing of ingredients according to the desired formulation; 4) pasteurization; and 5) hot filling and bottling. Pasteurization and bottling will give the juice a longer shelf-life.

The product can be stored at room temperature or better at refrigerated temperature to keep its flavor and freshness for a longer period of time.

Market & Beneficiaries

farmers, ready-to-drink processors, entrepreneurs


ready for commercialization and marketing


College of Agriculture and Food Science


Institute of Food Science and Technology


Dr. Linda B. Mabesa, Dr. Wilson T. Tan, Mr. Maximo P. Sapin


[email protected]