Sinta Papaya

Sinta Papaya is the first Philippine-bred hybrid papaya that is moderately tolerant to the devastating ringspot virus. The fruits are sweet, yellow-fleshed, and medium-sized, ideal for both fresh and canning. The plants are semi-dwarf and prolific. Fruit harvest commences about eight months after transplanting.

Sinta Papaya can be grown as a solo crop but it can be grown as an intercrop with coconut or banana. It is also ideal as a backyard crop that can supply the family with nutritious and fiber-rich fruits. It is popular among local growers because of its delicious fruits and virus tolerance. It has been introduced to other countries by East-West Seed Company, a licensed seed grower.

Potential Collaborative Areas:

  • Regular funding
  • Joint studies for other attributes like longer shelf-life, fungal and bacterial diseases
  • Combined use of conventional and new breeding techniques
Market & Beneficiaries

farmers, growers, processors


registered at the Philippine National Seed Industry Council


College of Agriculture and Food Science


Institute of Plant Breeding


Dr. Pablito M. Magdalita, Dr. Violeta N. Villegas, Mr. Fernando B. Aurigue, Mr. Reynold B. Pimentel


[email protected]